The HTML class attribute is used to group several elements into a class inorder to apply a specific
CSS style to all member elements belonging to the class.
It is possible for an element to belong to multiple classes.
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The HTML class attribute is used to group several elements into a class inorder to apply a specific
CSS style to all member elements belonging to the class.
It is possible for an element to belong to multiple classes.
Let us cover some more elements.
Continue reading “Web Design Lesson 010 – Links, Images and Lists”HTML colors are specified in many ways.
Continue reading “Web Design Lesson 009 – HTML colors”HTML Entities are used for denoting reserved characters in the language.
Reserved characters
Like programming languages which have reserved words and operators, HTML has reserved characters . If you want to
use text in html formed using such characters , you need special ways of denoting it, else it will be confused as a character which is part of html syntax and hence will take a different meaning.
In above example we find characters <,> and / apart from alphanumeric characters.
In order to use a reserved character as text in HTML, you need to use an appropriate HTML character entity.
Following are some character entities:
< less-than sign -> < or <
> greater-than sign -> > or >
≤ less-than or equals sign -> &le
≥ greater-than or equals sign -> &ge
  (non breaking space , means space on same line, if 2 words are separated by this they will always remain together on same line)
& ampersand -> & or &
" double quotation mark -> " or "
' single quotation mark (apostrophe) -> &apos or '
¢ cent -> ¢ or ¢
£ pound -> £ or £
¥ yen -> ¥ or ¥
€ euro -> &euro or €
© copyright -> © or ©
® registered trademark -> ® or ®
Like in any other programming language, there is a feature to comment HTML statements . It can span multiple lines. Following is the syntax:
<!-- This is a comment. -->
Check the output of following code:
Continue reading “Web Design Lesson 007 – Comments and Quotations”HTML defines special elements for formatting text in different ways.
Here are the start tags of some of the elements. Each of these have an end tag and the formats of any content between the start and end tags will change accordingly. Different styles can also be specified for each of these elements by the programmer using the CSS methods .
<b> - Bold text
<strong> - Important text
<i> - Italic text
<em> - Emphasized text
<mark> - Marked text
<small> - Small text
<del> - Deleted text
<ins> - Inserted text
<sub> - Subscript text
<sup> - Superscript text
HTML element <p> specifies a paragraph. Try this out:
Elements for specifying headings in HTML pages are h1,h2,h3,h4,h5 and h6.
h1 specifies the largest and most important heading and h6 the smallest heading.
Continue reading “Web Design Lesson 005 – HTML Paragraphs and Headings”HTML was designed as a language to create content which is viewable on web browsers. It has ability to show content in various formats of color, size, alignment etc. HTML then evolved to have features to accept user input using UI features like textboxes,checkboxes, buttons etc. and dynamically provide output based on the input.
Continue reading “Web Design Lesson 004 – HTML and Stylesheets”Attributes specify the addition of special features to HTML elements.
Attributes need to be specified in the start tag. Each attribute has a name and can be assigned a value. Format of adding attributes is as below:
Continue reading “Web Design Lesson 003 b – HTML Attributes”Each HTML element specifies the nature/type/category of the content associated with it in order to represent it in a specific manner in the page. Examples of names/tags of HTML elements are p (stands for new paragraph), h1 (stands for first heading), h2 (stands for second heading), head (stands for header portion of the page), body (stands for the actual body portion of the page). Elements usually consist of a start tag and end tag, with the content inserted in between.
Continue reading “Web Design Lesson 003 – HTML Elements”